There are a lot of options out there, and with the Reserve Bank often moving official interest rates and banks able to move their rates independently, it’s an ever-changing market with new products constantly being introduced. It is important to note that it’s not just about finding the lowest interest rate – there are other factors to consider. For example, if you’re thinking about starting a family then flexibility will be an important factor, or if you want to renovate then easy access to equity will help. With choice comes complexity, making it tricky to navigate through all your options. Whilst being super overwhelming, it does ensure that there will be a lending solution to meet your needs – it’s just a matter of finding it…
This is where a mortgage broker, like Troy from Mr Finance Loans comes in to play. A good broker will steer you through the complexities to find a loan that suits your needs and not the needs of just one particular bank. They then deal with the lender and help manage the application process on your behalf up to final approval so you can sail smoothly through the process of not only finance but settlement of your dream home. From first home-buyers to home owners looking to re-finance or those looking to invest, a broker stays up-to-date with constant industry changes in order to match you with the right solution. In the simplest terms – having a broker makes finding the right loan easier, saves you time, reduces stress and decreases financial costs too.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started thinking about buying, have already found the perfect house and want to quickly sort out your finance, are looking to unlock the equity in your current property, or are wanting to find out if there’s a better borrowing option than the one you currently have – any time is a good time to explore your options with a broker.
Here at Brookwood Realty, we have partnered with Troy from Mr Finance Loans to make the world a better place whilst being able to recommend his services without bias. You see, agents are normally paid for referring a buyer to a broker but with Troy, all such referral fees are deposited into the ‘be happy’ fund which we then use to donate to local, national and international sponsorships and charities. We also like the peace of mind everyone gets through the sales process with a proven performer. Troy is a first-class, Diamond rated, A+ Broker whose ability to advise, qualify and finalise finance ensures our buyers are able to secure formal approval in a timely manner for a successful and stress-free sale.